Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Carly Fiorina--The Former Excecutive

Carly Fiorina is another Republican Candidate who is seeking a seat in the United States Senate. Carly Fiorina was born on September 6, 1954 in Austin, Texas. She attended Stanford University where she got her B.A in philosophy. The attended UCLA School of Law, but dropped out. She obtained her MBA from the University of Maryland and finally her M.S in management from MIT. She worked for AT&T and was the chief executive for Hewlett Packard from 1999 to 2005. With the help of endorsers like the National Right to Life Committee, the California Farm Bureau, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former Alaskan governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin she now seeks to be a member of the Senate. This is her position on some of the issues that are of great importance to this nation.

Jobs and the Economy
Carly Fiorina believes that creating jobs and creating growth in the nation’s economy. She believes that the government should focus on the small businesses and family owned businesses because these businesses create half of the total jobs and are responsible for two thirds of the new jobs. She believes that the government should not even consider in raising taxes but consider cutting them to help out these small businesses. She also believes the key to get out of the rescission is to just try something new. She says the budget for the next fiscal year is the same thing as the previous budget and that the nation will still remain in the recession. She suggests to just trying out something new.

Health Care Reform
Carly Fiorina believes that every American should have access to affordable and high quality health care. She is and advocate for a bipartisan legislation that will not improve the quality of the system but as well to lower the cost. She suggests the competition in the health insurance market and no denial of insurance will help achieve this reform. She opposes the new Obamacare Health reform since it cost too much, and all that money can be saved and be invested to fix the economy.

Carly Fiorina states that although this nation was created by immigrant, having the illegal immigrants have caused the citizens loose trust in the government. She also mentions the fact that if this problem is affecting California and should be fix even faster. She believes to return this trust to the government as a nation the borders must be reinforced with the new technology that is available. She also believes that there should a reform on the system that distributes the work visas

[by Alberto Cortes]

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